Friday, December 7, 2012

Post Card

Dear friend,

It is my fourth day in Vienna. The city is amazing! The buildings, the people, the culture; all fantastic! It is one of the most beautiful cities I have ever seen in my life. I have visited Stephansdome, the Rathaus, Schloss Schonbrunn, and (the church on the postcard) Karlskirche. In fact, just last night I saw a concert of the Mozart Requiem in the Karlskirche! It was fantastic! Also, every night I have been here I have gone to the Wiener Staadts Oper (which is AMAZING!). So far I have seen Beethoven’s Fidelio and Mozart’s Don Giovanni. The apartment I am staying in is great, very spacious and comfortable. I have been eating a lot of Wiener schnitzel and Wurst; I believe I am starting to gain weight…haha. Anyways, tomorrow I start my lessons at the MDW and I am pretty nervous. I have been taking many pictures that I am excited to show you! I will keep you posted.

Wish you were here!

Journal Entry 3

Journal Entry 2

Journal Entry 1

Monday, November 26, 2012

Geist Memory of Vancouver

Leaving my house on a warm summer morning hearing the birds singing and bees buzzing by flowers which fill the air with the scent of nature and life; I would always take a moment to pause and look north at the towering mountains that bless our city with great admiration before heading off to wherever I was going.

Standing in the middle of the grass fields of Douglas Park late at night in the summer with a friend, staring up at the sky looking at the stars.

Walking up the hill the the 25 bus-stop in the morning on the way to school, the rain pouding on my umbrella while lugging my cello and my heavy backpack feeling terrible unpleasant and wet.

Where the World Began

Assignment no.1: Where the world began

The sun was shining. It was the first day, the day of a new beginning, the day of rebirth. The sun was shining on my face as I approached my new school. It was the school I have been longing to go to for some time. An institution where I could finally feel…at home. Even though it was early September the morning air was fresh like the flowers that blossomed in spring. As I was approaching the front doors to the Hoschule, I could hear birds singing nearby, serenading my new beginning. They were the orchestra, playing the inaugural concert in the hall of my life. I entered the school, the Hoschule fur Musik Basel; my new world. I could hear students practicing. As I walked through the school I could hear everything from Beethoven’s third Cello Sonata, to Schumann’s “Dichterliebe” song cycle, to the Chausson poem. I was overwhelmed with joy and excitement. After exploring the school for some time I headed towards the office to register. The process took some time, as my German was not great at the time. I received my schedule and proceeded to my first lesson with my new teacher. On my way to the class I began to reminisce of the past years of my life (the old world). For a moment I almost felt a sort of nostalgia towards it but it soon passed as I was more than happy to begin my new one (the new world) and to be rid of the sorrows and angst that the previous life had held. I entered the class. I was early so I had time to warm up. As I began to play, I could hear the soulful singing sound of my cello resonating through the room, joining the many other students practicing in the adjacent rooms creating a sea of a-tonal tonality. My world had begun. I had been reborn.